How Can I Get My Newborn to Sleep Longer at Night? 13 Baby Sleep Tips for Exhausted New Parents

How Can I Get My Newborn to Sleep Longer at Night? 13 Baby Sleep Tips for Exhausted New Parents

Imagine having had a hectic day, and you look forward to nothing more than a peaceful night’s sleep, you just want to unwind and close your eyes for a well-deserved rest, but your new and adorable family member would not let you. Enough of the imaginations, you might have experienced this more times than you might have liked!

Newborns are a blessing, but they can be quite stressful at night. They might be restless and therefore would not let you rest. Bet you know you can cuddle them and rock them back to sleep, or give them their favorite security blanket to provide just the right soothing touch experience for your baby to comfort them; however, in this article, we’ll show you 13 surefire tips that are sure to make your baby sleep longer at night.


Let us dive in!

1.     Leave Them with a Full Stomach

Babies often wake up and possibly disturb their parents at night when they feel hungry. Ensure you feed your baby well and ensure they have a full stomach before they sleep. If your baby is not a fan of long feeding sessions, consider breaking up the feeds until you are sure they are satisfied.

2.     Make Your Baby Learn and Master Self-soothing


It is often normal to visit your baby at night when they cry. However, do well not to spend the whole time with them so they don’t think it’s time to play or eat. You can gently place your hand on your baby’s chest for a while to make them calm and walk away once they are settled. Baby’s generally master self-soothing and are able to fall back asleep on their own with minimal crying between 4 to 6 months.

3.     Map Out a Schedule and Follow It


It is worthy to note that babies cannot really tell the difference between day and night. So, without a schedule, they can spend the whole day sleeping and stay awake to cry all night. Map out a schedule so your baby gets the right amount of sleep during the day. This will help them want to sleep well at night.

4.     Calming Ambiance is Key


Ensure your kid’s room is at a comfortable temperature, dark, and flaunts some white noise. You need to know that even a minor sound can wake your newborn at night. Make their sleeping environment cool and free from all sorts of noise.

5.     Create a Bedtime Routine


You tend to put your baby’s sleep life off the balance if you hardly follow a pattern. Remember, it is not too late to establish one now. Find soothing and calming activities that interest your baby. Follow a defined routine and do well not to change this routine so you do not confuse your little one.

6.     Do not Put Your Baby to Bed Asleep


It is better to put your baby to bed when they are drowsy, though not awake. This act will make them master how to fall asleep on their own whilst in their bed.

7.     Strategic Diaper Change


Changing your baby’s diaper before a feed is a great idea. This will ensure that you do not disturb them by changing their diaper after feeding and unsettling them. Baby will generally be more relaxed and ready for bed after feeding and the last thing you wan to do is make them more awake.

8.     Don’t Be Too Quick to Check


It might appear like being caring, but you tend to encourage the beginning of a bad sleep if you keep rushing in whenever your baby cries at night. Sometimes, they just wake, cry a little and get back to sleep. Your presence might make them not go back to sleep easily.

9.     Create a Safe Sleep Environment


One thing that helps your baby sleep longer at night is a safe sleep environment. Ensure you use a firm sleep surface and strive to make the sleep area void of plush toys and unfitted sheets.

10.   Consistent Nighttime Conditions and a Baby Comforter


One of the items to make your newborn sleep longer at night is with a baby comforter. Likewise, ensuring nighttime conditions in their crib are consistent is also key. The lights and sounds in their room when they sleep should be the same when they wake. Even if you find the need to change your baby's diaper at night, it is advisable to maintain the same low lights and similar conditions. It might be hard for your baby to settle again if you alter the sleeping conditions significantly.


11.     Have Your Baby Sleep Alone in A Crib


As much as it might seem easier to have your baby lie next to you in your bed, it is not advisable. Your newborn can sleep in the same room as you but in a bassinet or crib. There is the danger you can rollover your baby if in the same bed and your baby can become trapped and possibly suffocate. Your baby will also not be disturbed by your tossing and tuning if they are in a crib of their own thus encouraging a more peaceful sleep.

12.    Swaddled Babies Tend to Sleep Longer


Swaddling your baby can bring calmness to their body and make them sleep. Having their body wrapped up in a breathable, light blanket can help your little one feel secure and snug. They just feel like they are in your womb. Get your baby a swaddle blanket.

13.    Stay patient


Remember that parenting can be quite stressful work, especially if your baby struggles to sleep longer at night. Take it gently, follow the tips we highlighted, get them the best swaddle blankets and comforter, and you can encourage them tosleep longer at night with time.

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