Breastfeeding Tips: What Every New Mother Should Know

Breastfeeding Tips: What Every New Mother Should Know

The breast milk is the ideal nutritional food for newborn baby. It provides all vital nutrients and antimicrobial agents such as antibodies to enhance the baby's immune system. In some cases, a newborn baby quickly starts breastfeeding after birth. However, in many cases, the new mothers need more practice to get the baby to latch on properly. The latch is a general term and it means that the baby is sucking well from the breasts and is appropriately positioned.

Quick tips for breastfeeding mums

  • It is safest and best to breastfeed the baby as soon as the baby born. It will be helpful to establish a milk supply from the breast of the mother. Always breastfeed the baby on demand. Permit your baby to feed on the first breast before offering the second breast.
  • Mother will typically breastfeed about 8 to 10 times in 24 hours.
  • If the new mother experiences issues with latching, then a nipple shield can be a useful tool. Before using a nipple shield always work with a lactation consultant. The nipple shield is an ideal temporary latch-on solution.
  • Always look up early hunger signs. When the baby opens his or her mouth, licks her lips often, squirming a little bit more than usual, or trying to eat her hands it means baby might be ready for a feed. These are early hunger signs before the baby gets impatient and starts to cry. It is easier to latch your baby when they are not crying because it affects their tongue position.
  • Apply the correct breastfeeding technique. It will help the baby to receive adequate intake of breast milk with proper positioning. Position the baby's head so that the baby’s nose is in line with the nipple. When you bring the baby to the breast, tickle baby’s upper lip with your nipple to open your baby’s mouth and as soon as baby does connect the baby's mouth with your breast tissue, being sure to get as much of the areola in her mouth as possible.
  • When breaking the seal of your baby’s latch, never pull the baby off the breast. Instead, gently slide a clean finger into your baby's mouth and disconnect the seal. Then remove the baby from the breast. Breastfeeding should not be painful. 

Signs that your baby is well latched during a feed

  • The baby is calm and relaxed whilst feeding.
  • The chin of the baby is touching the breast.
  • The baby’s mouth is wide open and a mouthful of breast.
  • The baby lower lip is turned outwards, and their nose is clear.
  • The baby cheeks are rounded, and the breasts looks round during the feed.
  • The areola of the breast is more above the mouth of the baby than below. Ensure that the fingers on the underside of your breast are not touching the areola or dark skin around the nipple.

Signs that your breastfed baby is getting enough milk

  • The baby starts with a few quick sucks, then long, rhythmic sucks and swallows with occasional pauses.
  • You can hear and see the baby swallowing during a feed.
  • The baby comes off the breast on their own at the end of feeds.
  • The baby’s mouth looks moist after feeds.
  • The baby appears satisfied and happy after feeding.
  • Your breasts are less rounded and feel softer after a feed.

Comon problems of breastfeeding mothers

  • Sore nipples
  • Hard latching
  • Inadequate milk supply
  • Engorgement
  • Mastitis

 In case of any of the above problems seek out early help or speak to your lactation consultant.

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